Wright’s New Branding & Website

New Wright Logo

Wright Technical Services has been quietly rebranding over the past several months including a new logo, a new digital presence (including the website you are on) and new marketing collateral. The previous website, logo and marketing collateral served their purpose and served it well.  All quickly created from our President’s home office, everything was put together somewhat hastily in an effort to get the business off the ground. While the former website and logo were not designed by a professional, and created using free tools, we always received extremely positive feedback about our branding. Customers and candidates understood what we wanted everything to represent which was a celebration of technical talent.

Since the time Wright was launched from a home office we’ve grown significantly. Wright has very successfully expanded into Information Technology recruiting while continuously growing our Engineering offerings. We opened a beautiful new headquarters in Mayfield Heights. Wright has added several team members and continues to hire. And we’ve very recently expanded into Consulting in addition to direct hire recruiting. Wright now recruits and employs technical professionals who are contracted to work on client projects.

We felt all of this growth warranted a rebrand. One that represented what Wright has become and just as importantly where we are going. Our business has doubled in size every year since the company was founded and we’re projecting the same for 2024 and beyond. We believe all of our new branding tells our new story which still revolves around a celebration of technical talent, but also a story that says we’re not a startup anymore. Wright is here to deliver a higher quality of service and higher quality candidates than even our biggest competitors in the technical recruiting space. We’re here to compete and to win against any company in the industry.

Our hope is that you enjoy our new branding and your visit to the new Wright Technical Services website.   

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